Monday, July 7, 2008

tiny greg

So this shouldn't be an official post for me but I just have to respond to Tammy's awesome Fourth of July post with this picture from Labor day almost three years ago so as to prove that Greg doesn't learn his lesson easily since he basically has the same church outfit on in Moab as he did in Patrick's Pond. No church shoes, no tie, short-sleeved wrinkled shirt, and even a little scruff. (If you're not a frequenter of Greg and Tammy's blog, which I doubt because their list of friends is pretty much endless, you can check out the prescript to this post at, stars and stripes forever post on July 6th).

In keeping with the title of my blog, I must say, Seriously, Greg. I'm sort of surprised Tammy also hasn't learned the lesson that she should probably just start packing for her husband. I will say that I also did not bring church shoes on this trip and I found a nice pair at the dollar store while we were waiting for all of our clothes to dry at the laundromat after the freak rainstorm drenched all our stuff. I guess they didn't have any ties at the dollar store.


Greg and Tammy said...

HYSTERICAL! I had forgotten about that. Pretty much this happens every time we travel. Remember the most recent SLC JSTP? The little guy had to buy a whole new suit. When will I learn? I need to step up my wifely duties. :) Thanks for the post. :)

Melanie&Skyler Cont. said...

Holy crap. That is some kind of picture. Why didn't you just crop Greg out and post it? I mean, I did want to remember your $2 shoes, but I could have done without my hair. Wow. I mean, what is that all about besides embarrassing. Love that we look showers by the side of the road at that freezing spring. GO MOAB!!

Jeff Krebs said...

I followed this link from Tammy's blog, and I am surprised no one has commented on Tammy's headdress. She could have at least taken the towel off for the picture. I don't think Greg is the only one that lets his appearance go on vacation. Although we should be glad she washed her hair. I bet her legs aren't shaved though :) It's fun to see your blog Courtney!