I am ashamed to say that somehow the card fell out of my car, so I was a little sad that I lost it, but I hadn't really thought about it lately.
So today I got my mail and I found this envelope with a strange non-existent return address.
I opened the envelope, and there, envelope and all, was my card from Karlie and the check intact.
But that wasn't all. There was this adorable little note and $3 cash.
Seriously. I can't believe people like Pat still exist. She didn't even give me her address so I could send her a thank you. I told Rebekah about it tonight and she said that Pat probably thought I was a little kid since most adults don't have bike funds for their birthday. Well, whatever she thought, she did a good deed. Amazing. If any of the seven people who read my blog know Pat from Tooele, tell her I said thanks for making my day and helping me buy a ten-speed. :)